
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Paradigm in Geography

Paradigm in Geography

Definition of a comprehensive paradigm that is a common scholarly view that the assumptions contained therein, the procedures and findings are accepted by a group of scientists and simultaneously determine the style / pattern of scientific activities and equipment. In addition, the paradigm is also interpreted as an entire collection (constellation) beliefs, values, ways (techniques) and so the affiliations of a particular community.
According to Harvey and Holly understanding paradigm understanding into three kinds, namely:

1. Metaphysics or metaparadigm paradigm that describes the overall global view of a science, which has the basic functions namely, establishing what is true (and who is not) the affairs of a particular scientific community, giving scientists clues to the direction of where to see (and which direction should not be seen ) to find anything that actually became his business, and provide guidance to the scientist what would be expected to be found if he got and investigate what is actually a business in this field covers an area ilmunya.Paradigma broadest consensus in a discipline and set the parts area of ​​research.
2. Sociological paradigms, only a limited understanding of scientific success of the concrete which is universally acclaimed.
3. Artifacts paradigm or paradigm constructs containing the most narrow sense, which can mean anything that is peculiar (specific) contained in a book, instrument or the work of classical knowledge. The conceptual paradigm of artifacts exist within the scope of coverage Sociological paradigms, and Sociological paradigms exist within the scope of coverage Metaparadigm.
From this aspect was the social geography as a science has undergone various periods of its development. Each period indicates the similarity of characters perception of what is referred to as a paradigm.
Examples of paradigms in social geography, among others, namely:

1. Environmental determinism paradigm developed by Ratzel
2. Paradigms or schools of Posibilitis one of the developers as well as regional paradigm developed by Vidal
3. The paradigm of cultural landscape is also implementing welfare approach developed by Saver
4. Regional Paradigm in America developed by Hatshorne
5. Spatial paradigm developed by Schaefer who are adherents of positivism science
Actually, scientific developments that occurred in evolutionary science and nature walk through a relatively long period of time so that the developments that have evolved earlier, in line with the development of quality science and the tools of research and analysis.

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