Learning Konsturktivisme
Konsturksi means are constructive, in the context konstrukvisme educational philosophy is an attempt to build an empowered tatasusunan modern life. Konstuktivisme is the foundation of thinking (philosophy) pembelanjaran contextual knowledge by human beings is that little by little, the result is extended through a context of limited and not all of a sudden. Knowledge is not a set of facts, concepts or rules and arrives ready to be taken in mind. Humans have to construct it and memeberi pengetehuan meaning through real experience. (Http://khriscinus.blogspot.com)According to learning theory of constructivism, knowledge can not be moved away from the minds of teachers to students' minds. This means that students must actively construct mental structure of knowledge based on cognitive maturity he has. In other words, students are not expected as a small bottle bottle ready to be filled in accordance with the will of science teachers. From the description above it can be concluded that this teoari gives liveliness on humans to learn to find their own competence, knowledge or technology, and other things that siperlukan to develop himself. Adpun purpose of this theory go round as follows:
1. The existence of motivation for students that learn adlah jwab responsibility to the students themselves.
2. Developing students' ability to ask questions and find your own answers.
3. Helping students to develop understanding and complete understanding of the concept.
4. Developing students' ability to become independent oemikir.
More emphasis on the learning process begaimana learn it.
Broadly speaking the principles of constructivism that is applied in teaching and learning are:
1. Knowledge is built by the students themselves.
2. Knowledge can not be on the move from teacher to student, except with the liveliness of the students themselves to reason.
3. Active pupil mengkontruksisecara continuously, so it is always a change of scientific concepts.
4. Gur simply help provide the means and circumstances for learning smooth construction process.
5. Facing the issues relevant to students.
6. Setruktur learning about the main concept of the importance of a question.
7. Finding and assessing students' opinions.
8. Adjust the curriculum to respond to student opinion.
From all this there is only one of the most important principle is the teacher should not be solely memberiakn knowledge to students. Students must mwmbanguan knowledge from within his own mind. A teacher can help these peoses cara0cara teaching that makes the information very meaningful and very relevant for students, with men = mberikan opportunity for students to discover and implement their own ideas and to encourage students to recognize and use their own setrategi-setrategi to learn . Teachers can give students kepeda stairs which are intended dapt tnagga it will help their nominally achieve a greater understanding tingggi level, but should be sought for the students themselves who climbed it. (Http://khriscinus.blogspot.com)
In general there are 6 advantages konstuktivisme use of theory in learning at school are:
1. Learning based on constructivism provides an opportunity to Siwa to express ideas mengguanakn explicitly with students' own language, share the idea with the theme, and encourage students to give explanations tenteng ideas.
2. Learning based on constructivism member experience related to students' ideas that have been held or planned activities in accordance with the idea of beginning students for students to expand their ideas about the phenomenon and have the opportunity to assemble the phenomenon and have the opportunity to assemble a phenomenon, so students are encouraged to differentiate and integrate the notion of phenomenon that challenges students.
3. Constructivist learning student member kesempatn thinking about his experience. This can mendororong students to think creatively, imaginatively, to encourage reflection on the model and theory, introducing ideas at the right time.
4. Learning based on constructivism members the opportunity for students to try new ideas that the students are encouraged to obtain epercayaan yourself by using a variety of contexts, both known and new and finally motivate students to use various learning strategies.
5. Constructivist learning encourages students to think about their ideas perubakan after realizing their progress and provide the opportunity for students to identify changes in their ideas.
6. Learning llingkungan constructivism provides a conducive learning that supports student memngungkapkan gagsan, listening to each other, and avoid the impression there is always one correct answer. (Http://pembelajaranguru.wordpress.com)
Based on the descriptions above, can disimpulakan that the notion of constructivism learning is an active and constructive process of students in learning, knowledge pemebntukan students in the learning process, students as obbjek to be active in building their own pengetahuaan through active involvement in teaching and learning. In this case the teacher acts as mediator and facilitator help for students learning process goes well. Geography subjects are subjects that its characteristics are knowledge, understanding of concepts, skills and procedures and pengaplikasiaan share that knowledge to solve problems of everyday life. Thus in this study likely apply constructivist approach to field study methods
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