
Friday, August 27, 2010

Development in Papua region can also be viewed from several factors

Development in Papua region can also be viewed from several factors including:

a. Factor Resource Area
Resource area in question is related land resources of physical territory. Ways of management or management of a balanced and sustainable is one determinant of success in increasing its productivity. The success rests on the principle of managing environmental sustainability and sustainable will be able to guarantee to increased input area that has long exploited optimally without considering sustainability. As we all know that keaaan mengalani area currently has a lot of changes as a result of a lack of community involvement and empowerment in doing floating in the area concerned, so in anticipation of a prolonged negative effect it is necessary to immediately pursued the synchronization and improved coordination and partnership relations between the government and society , as well as local and central government, in order to increase the potential in the area concerned.

b. Factors Human Resources
Human development is the key to success. Human resources is the key to success in every execution of development in both the small scale, medium, or medium. In order to increase the successful implementation of such development will require adequate human resources quality.
Enhancing quality accompanied by an increase in the quality of qualified human resources at the regional level for periods of current and future needs to be done and needs to get serious attention Dalan handling so that its potential can be utilized properly.
Regional development is not a physical building but rather merely the core of regional development is to build human resources. Therefore, in practice, aspects of community empowerment needs to get serious attention. In this context too, are required to prepare the area for supporting facilities and infrastructure for the development of human suberdaya and science and technology, so as to provide support to the implementation of the sustainable development paradigm and is able to build a region based on regional aspirations bersagkutan.

c. Factors Geographic Position
Geographic location of the region have a very strong influence on the development of the region both in terms of economic, cultural, social, political and fiscal. geoarafis location has an influence also on the strategic location of the region in various aspects of life. Strategic position of the area concerned and to make the region as one of the good development of sectoral production market, as well as nonsektoral and may even be one of reliable manufacturer who can supply to other areas around it, thus the position of geography has an important role and can be a factor strong influence on the development of the area concerned and its surroundings.
In addition, with geographical location can be considered as a basic set of activities that are prospective in the future, including the determination of the pattern of conservation and preservation as well as patterns of exploitation.

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