Learning outcomes
The result of learning is the ability of the student after he received a learning experience. Learning outcomes have an important role in the learning process. The process of assessment of learning outcomes can provide information to teachers about student progress in achieving the learning objectives through learning activities. Furthermore, from the information the teacher can arrange foster dams student activities further, both for the whole class or individual.According Suharsimi Arikunto (in I Gusti Komang Galina 2006:9), learning is defined as a process that occurs because of the effort to make changes to the person who melakuakan, with the purpose of obtaining perubahn in him either in the form penetahuan, skills and attitudes. According Dimyati and Mudjino (from the site http://indramunawar.blogspot.com) learning outcomes is thus considered from two sides ie from the side of the students and teachers. In terms of Siwa, belajr result is a degree of mental development that was better than during prior learning. Level of mental development is manifested in the kinds of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. In terms of teachers, learning outcomes are at the completion of lesson materials. According to study results adlah Oemar Hamalik someone has learned will be changes in people's behavior, such as from not knowing to knowing and of not understanding the understanding, (http://indramunawar.blogspot.com). Based on the above understanding, it can didintesiskan that belejar is a final assessment of the process and experience that has been done over and over and will be stored for a long time or even not be lost forever because of the personal learning participates to form individual who always achieve results better so that akn change ways of thinking so that menghasilakn work behavior better.
Factors that influence learning outcomes, namely:
1. Internal factors (the study of individual preformance)
Factors affecting the activity of this belejar more emphasis on factors in individual learning. The factors affecting the activity is psychological factors, including: motivation, attention, response, and so forth.
2. External factors (dsri lusr individual learning)
Achievement of learning objectives need to be created with a conducive learning environment system. This will be related to factors from outside the student. Adpun factors that influence is gaining knowledge, planting concepts and skills, attitude formation. (Http://tevhonly13.wordpress.com)
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