Classification and Branches of Geography
Discipline of geography has a wide range of objects. Object that includes natural and human phenomena, and linkages between keduanya.Untuk studied objects grow so large branches of geography that can provide in-depth analysis of the studied object. Branches of geography can be detailed as follows.
According to Huntington, geography is divided into four branches, namely:
1. Physical Geography which studies natural physical factors
2. Pitogeografi who studies plants
3. Zoogeography of animal mempelajarai
4. Anthropogeography study humans.
According to Muller and Rinner, branches of geography consists of:
1. Geography Physical geography terdari on mathematics, geography, soil and hydrology, climatology, geography and resources of minerals, plant geography, and geography of land use
2. Human geography includes cultural geography (geography of population, social geography, and urban geography), Geography economic (agricultural geography, geography of transportation and communications), political geography
3. Regional Geography
According Hagget, branch of geography can be described as follows.
1. Physical Geography is a branch of geography that studies the physical phenomena at the surface of the earth. Physical symptoms that consisted of soil, water, air with all the process. Field studies in physical geography is a natural phenomenon on the surface of the earth into the human environment. Therefore, the existence of this branch of science can not be separated with mansuia.
2. Human Geography
1. Human geography is a branch of geography that the object of study of human spatial. The aspects studied in this branch termaasuk population, human activities including economic activities, political activities, social activities and cultural activities. In conducting the study aspects of humanity, human geography is divided into branches of population geography, economic geography, political geography, settlement geography and social geography.
2. Population geography is a branch of human geography who object spatial population studies. The object of this study include the spread, density, sex ratio of the population of a region.
3. Economic Geography is a branch of human geography field study of spatial structure of economic activity. The emphasis of study on the spatial aspect of economic structure of society, including agriculture, industry, commerce, transportation, communications, services, and so forth. In their analysis, reviewed the natural environmental factors supporting and inhibiting factors as the structure of economic activity population. Economic geography includes the geography of agriculture, industrial geography, geography of trade, geography of transportation and communication.
4. Political geography is a branch of human geography field study is the spatial aspect of government or state, including regional and international relations, government or state on the surface of the earth. In political geography, environmental geography made sebagain basis for the development and state relations. Field study of political geography is relatively large, such as spatial aspects, political aspects, aspects of regional relations, and international.
5. Settlement geography is a branch of geography that studies the object associated with the development permukimam in a region of the earth surface. Aspects to be discussed is when a territory inhabited by humans, how the shape of settlements, what factors affect the development and settlement patterns.
3. Regional Geography is a comprehensive description of aspects of human and natural aspects (environment). The focus of study is the interrelation, interaction and integration between nature and human aspects in a particular space.
In the assessment of symptoms and problems of geography should always be integrated. Although physical geography examines the physical aspect, but always link it with the human aspect of a "space". Instead of human geography is always linked himself with the physical aspects of geography. Geography will lose their "identity" in the absence of the concept of integration.
In a systematic level, the geography of the environment is part of a regional geography. Because, in the perspective of this field put pressure on the relationship between humans and their environment so that the visible characteristics of the environment in the region.
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