Geographic Scope
Studies include analysis of symptoms of human geography and natural phenomena. In the study analyzed the interrelation-interaction-spread phenomenon or problem in a space.
According to Rhoad Murphey scope of geography as follows. (1) distribution and reciprocal relationship between humans on the Earth's surface with spatial aspects of settlements and the usability of the earth. (2) The reciprocal relationship between communities and their physical environment as part of study area differences. (3) a regional framework and analysis of specific areas.
Based on the description can be seen, that the geographic scope can not be separated from the natural aspect and the aspect insaniah the object of his study. Aspect is expressed in a single room based on the principles of distribution, their relationships, and korologinya. Furthermore, the principle of relation is applied to analyze the relationship between human society with its natural environment that can reveal differences in their area, and deployment in space. Finally principle, distributing, and korologi in geographic studies to reveal the characteristics of an area that is different from other areas that revealed the existence of region-region are different from each other.
To mengunkanpan phenomena or problems that happen to use geography questions. To the question what? Geography can demonstrate the phenomenon of what happened? For inquiries Pls, geography can indicate when the incident happened. For questions Nowhere? Geography can show the location of the event. To the question why? Geography can show the relation-interrelation-integration-interaction phenomena as a factor that can not be separated from one another. To the question how? Geography can show kualaitas and quantity of symptoms and the interrelation / interaction symptoms earlier in the space concerned.
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