
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Big Bang

Big Bang
According to the model of big bang, the universe expanded from the initial state is very dense and hot and continue to expand until now. In general, the development of space universe containing galaxies analogous to like a fluffy bun. The picture above is a picture of the artist's concept illustrating the development of one part of the universe is flat.
Powerful explosion or the Big Bang (English: Big Bang) is an event that causes the formation of the universe, based on studies of cosmology of the early form and development of the universe (also known as the Big Bang theory or the Big Bang model). Based on the modeling of the big bang, the universe, at first in very hot and dense state that expanded rapidly, continuously until today. Based on the best measurement in 2009, the initial state of the universe began about 13.7 billion years ago, [1] [2] which was always a reference as the timing of the Big Bang. [3] [4] This theory has provided the most comprehensive explanation accurate and supported by the scientific method and observation. [5] [6]
Is Georges Lemaitre, a Belgian Roman Katoli monk, who proposed the Big Bang theory on the origins of the universe, although he called it a "primeval atom hypothesis." Model framework of this theory relies on Albert Einstein's general relativity and some simple assumptions, such as homogeneity and isotropy of space. The equation mendeksripsikan big bang theory was formulated by Alexander Friedmann. After Edwin Hubble in 1929 found that the distance of the earth with a very distant galaxies are generally proportional to the red shift, as who disugesti by Lemaitre in 1927, this observation is considered to indicate that all galaxies and very distant star cluster has a velocity that is directly visible away from our vantage point: the farther, the faster speed it seems. [7]
If the distance between galaxy clusters continue to increase as observed today, everything must never close in the past. The details of this idea leads to a state of density and temperature that were formerly very extreme. [8] [9] [10] and various giant particle accelerators have been built to experiment and test conditions, which makes this theory can be confirmed with a significantly, though accelerator-accelerator has a limited ability to investigate particle physics. Without any evidence associated with a rapid early development, explosion theory does not and can not provide some explanation as initial conditions, but rather to describe and explain the general change of the universe since the initial development. Abundance of the elements of the reflected light across the cosmos according to the calculations predict the formation of light elements by nuclear processes in the conditions of the universe that expands and cools in the early universe a few minutes of emergence as described in detail and logical by the explosion nucleosynthesis.
Fred Hoyle coined the term Big Bang on a radio broadcast in 1949. Widely reported that, Hoyle supporting alternative cosmological model "state is still" intended use of this term is pejorative, but Hoyle explicitly denied this and said that this term is used to emphasize the difference between these two cosmological models. [11] [12 ] [13] Hoyle later contribute a large part in the efforts of physicists to understand the stellar nucleosynthesis is the trajectory formation of heavy elements from lighter elements by nuclear reactions. After the discovery of cosmic background radiation mikrogelombang in 1964, most scientists began to accept that some of the big bang theory scenario should never happen.

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